[Notes about the Peabodies: Part I - Genealogy]
Welcome to my Peabody Family Challenge!
It all started when I decided to try my hand at having a sim raise ten children all in quick succession... right after I'd installed a hack to allow more than eight sims per household.
Jean Peabody, my "founder", moved into an empty neighbourhood and met girlfriend [and Apartment Life townie] Lilly Do on the first day; Lilly was part of the welcome wagon. In less than a week, they were married, had moved in together, and were both pregnant.
Unfortunately, when this all started, I was not very good at taking pictures or editing them, so the first generation is mostly a series of pictures of the Peabody children as they age up.
![]() | Jean Peabody Skin 2 / Gray eyes / Red hair Personality: 5/7/4/2/7 Aspiration: Family / Knowledge Wants to: become captain hero / achieved Likes: ? & ? Dislikes: ? Hobby: music & dance / maxed out |
![]() | Lilly [Do] Peabody Skin 1 / Green eyes / Brown hair Personality: 5/3/7/3/7 Aspiration: Knowledge / Family Wants to: max seven skills / achieved Likes: red hair & athletic Dislikes: stink Hobby: tinkering |

Kid #1: Josie! She's a lovely girl with momma-Lilly's brown hair, grey eyes and skin 1.

Kid #2: Leanne! Just like her twin sister, she has brown hair and grey eyes, but skin 2.

The twins grow up!

This is just following baby #3's birth. (A boy named Jacob!) Notice Lilly's needs, then look at her wants panel. I know raising children is hard work, Lilly, but I don't think getting hit by lightning is such a good idea at this time. (Especially since there's a whole lot more to come!)

Baby Jacob grows up. I'm not sure about that chin...
A couple of days later, Josie and Leanne also hit the difficult childhood years.



And I also find out I have some issues with my default replacement for the pregnancy outfit. Oops?

Baby #4 is another boy named Laurie (I don't have any baby pictures of him *sadface*)

This is Jessica, baby #5.

Twins John and Lilah follow Jessica in the family tree. John has the gorgeous green eyes.

First picture of Lilly! I feel bad that I don't have many shots of either moms, but at least my picture taking skills are getting better!

Jacob as a child. I'm keeping an eye on that chin!

Their house at the time of Lilah and John's birth. I downloaded it online, then made modifications as the family grew. I can't remember who made the original house...

Then Jessica grew up, and I fell in love with her cuteness.

And the next baby was born: another girl! #8's name is Leslie.

Poor Leanne! Try to be more into nature, and that's what happens. Haha.

Laurie grows up! I'm still not sure about that chin. I wonder whether they get it from Lilly or Jean...


... and John.

Many children in a very tight space. It's a good thing that the bedrooms were all upstairs... The activities table is definitely the high point of everybody's day.

Lilly had a little misadventure. Glad I hadn't put the alien-pregnancy for all hack in yet. They had enough children!
The last birth (twins, again!):



Jessica became a child. Still adorable.

Leslie just after becoming a toddler.

Josie, pre-makeover.

And post-makeover.

Leanne, pre-makeover.

And post-makeover.

Leanne in the garden with Leslie.

Lilah as a child. The chin is definitely a family trait. I wonder if it will still show up in a couple of generations...


Luna. She turns out to be such a gorgeous child. I love her square-ish jaw line.


Family time! Meals were about the only time where they all interacted together. I let them do their own stuff most of the time... micromanaging would have driven me insane at this point.

Jessica being gorgeous.

I had completely forgotten to take a picture of their kitten. But yes, *all* the children wanted a pet, so they adopted this lovely kitten named Alegra; who turns out to be not only gorgeous, but also amazing with the children. And the toddlers. And everyone else.


Jacob... Oh. My. The chin of doom. A makeover is desperately needed.

Much better (actually, that hair fits him really well!) The look he’s sporting also fits well with his romantic aspiration.

More Leslie.




The first level of their house.

Second level. Poor Luna had to sleep in the hallway for a while, until they had enough money to make some modifications to the girls' bedroom.

TV time with Jean, Luna and Lilah. This is basically the only “good” picture I have of Jean as an adult...

Jean as an elder.


Ah, sisters. They spent a lot of time playing “punch you, punch me” for some reason.



Lilly becomes an elder as well.

Pretty pretty Luna.

Jessica's high school boyfriend, Timothy. The nose is a little... well. It's something.

Bored John is bored.

Josie is tucking Jeffrey into bed.

Leslie grows up!

Luna's turn now!

And of course, Jeffrey's too.

Some issue with Leanne's girlfriend when I aged her up to adult... Oops?

All better now. Meet Margaret. She'll be a major part of Leanne's life in gen 2.
Leanne and Josie have just grown into adults. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of them at this time.

Get the party started...

Bye bye Jean. Your children will miss you. (I love that it's a roof raiser, even after Jean's death...)

Time for Jacob to grow up into an adult and leave the nest. His chin did kind of grow on me...

Laurie's turn finally arrives. And he decides this is the perfect occasion to tie the knot with long-time girlfriend Christy.

Only witnesses to this event are Lilly and Jessica. All the others are off to boarding school for the week. (It made the lot playable when there weren't all that many of them around at the same time!)

This arrives in the morning! They wished for money, as they really needed it, and I figured Luna (whom I decided would inherit the house) could use the money to make some improvements on the old Family Abode.

Jessica is ready to move out, and she is still absolutely gorgeous.

Yet another party that ends in death. This time, it's Lilly's turn. You will also be missed, lady. [This party also ended up being a roof raiser. O_O ]

Jean scares Leslie. This is the only time the ghost of either of the Peabody mothers scared anyone… until the next generation, where they spent a lot of time harassing Luna’s husband, Cleve.


John. With both of them now moved out on their own, the house is eerily quiet...

After growing up herself, Leslie meets Alvin.

They tie the knot in the driveway, and Leslie decides to stay in their parents' home until Luna and Jeffrey are also adults. She ends up moving out just minutes after her siblings' birthday, pregnant and happy to settle for a family of her own.

Jeffrey's boyfriend, Zaitrarrio Carlson shows up just in time for Jeffrey's birthday.

And this completes the first generation of the Peabody challenge. In order to make this even more convoluted and huge, I decided to play each of the Peabody children and so on, until the fifth generation is all grown into adults. We'll see if I last that long!
Luna will be staying in the family home with boyfriend Cleve...

At this point, I feel I should mention that I played Luna first, rather than play out the other (older) siblings in order. When Luna and Jeffrey became adults, it was day 52 of the Peabody challenge, and all the older siblings were still in the sim bin (despite having moved out from day 40-on). Luna moved Cleve in on that very first day, and I played her household for eight days (until day 60). Afterwards, I played the older siblings to bring them to day 60 as well. So in some cases, the first round lasted 20 days--Leanne and Josie--while in others, it only lasted eight days--Jeffrey, Leslie, Luna...
A post will be up soon with information about how I’ve played my challenge so far, what my rules and/or goals are, etc.
Hope you enjoyed this first instalment.

Wow to much childrens,but it's a beautiful big family.
ReplyDeleteThank you, La Poupée. It was a very bumpy ride, with so many children in one house (with a womrat and a cat, no less!), but it was definitely fun! It's even more fun to play the children grown up and with children of their own. ;)