Jacob moved out on day 42, so he has eighteen days to go in order to catch up with Luna's household. This first update for him is a little different than the others, mostly because I don't have a lot of pictures of him.

Skin 1 / Green eyes / Brown hair
Secondary aspiration: Knowledge
Wants to: Become visionary
Likes: Athletic, werewolf / men
Dislikes: Hardworker
Hobby: Fitness
Jacob is platinum from having maxed out his aspiration meter as a teen.

When Jacob moved into his home, little romantic that he is, he immediately wanted to meet boys, boys, and more boys. So he decorated his living space quickly.

The best room of the house, for a romance sim, though Jacob slept alone his first night away from the family home.

Lucky boy even gets a pool.
Jacob met a lot of boys in the following days, and woohooed most of them. He even invited his teenage boyfriend, Gavin Newson, but quickly found out that their interests had gone separate ways, and neither called each other again. (not even a conscious decision on my part!)

This is Avri, one of Jacob's string of boytoys, though the first who made a lasting impression. Within just a few days, Jacob had invited Avri to move in.

Custom skin / Green eyes / Black hair
Secondary aspiration: Knowledge
Wants to: Become a professional party guest
Likes: Fitness, red hair / males
Dislikes: Robots
Hobby: Arts & Crafts

But even after Avri moved in, Jacob did not slow down at all. Neither did Avri, to be honest. The two of them had so many lovers I did not manage to keep track of all of them. Ah, romance sims. They were still all over each other when the others had gone... or even with other boys in the house. ;)

I got Avri a job in a custom career I was itching to try out, Astrophysics. Nothing could be farther from prof. party guest-ing, that's for sure, but with his knowledge secondary, I thought Avri could handle it. Jacob was in the artist career, as per his LTW. Much skilling was going on, in between the boytoys and the autonomous woohooing.

Tucker turned out to be different from all of Jacob and Avri's other boytoys. For one thing, they *both* fell in love with him during their first meeting, and both had three bolts of chemistry with him. And all their wants were either about each other or about Tucker.
I can take a hint:

Skin 2 / Amber eyes / Red hair
Secondary aspiration: Family
Wants to: Earn 100,000$
Likes: Fitness, good at cleaning / males
Dislikes: Grey hair
Hobby: Cuisine

With Tucker around, the three boys only had eyes for each other, and the other boytoys were never heard from again. I'm not kidding. Getting engaged was Tucker's idea (with a secondary aspiration of family, I was expecting it). The house also got a good makeover, with a second floor added (their gigantic bedroom is up there).

At least, Avri and Jacob don't seem to hate the idea. (I had to use the SimBlender to set them all to engaged with each other, but it's the sort of cheating I don't mind at all)


Quartz, Tucker's womrat that he just had to have. Tucker's in the natural science career, after I thought long and hard how to get him to meet his LTW. This career has the highest wages and, once he reaches the top, gives him six days off in which he can give financial advice to strangers. Win-win situation. (See Jacob skilling in the background. He was about mid-way through his career by then...)

This is gonna end badly.

o___o *waits for it*

And we end this Jacob update with little sister Leslie stealing the newspaper. I have mentioned how many nice points the Peabodies don't have, right? ;)

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