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Household #1: Poppy & Ryan Seed

Poppy asked Ryan to move in. And married him in the yard.

Oak was born, and she is just as expressive as her mommy.

Berry is very calm about Ryan being abducted.

I worked him too hard in the garden the next day. *sadface*

Rover moved in.

<3 <3 <3

He was abducted again, and this is the face he made right after he popped the first time. Worried about your baby, Ryan?

Three puppies were born.


Falcon. Both went to pet adoption services.

Eagle stayed.

He looks about ready to pop.

Oak is a favourite of the puppy community.

And we end their turn with the birth of Ironwood Seed.
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Household #4: Sonia and Jan Nightwalker

More pictures of their home.

Time to feed.

Jan really doesn't mind.

Vladimir has interesting features.

/end of the second week.
The third week started with the addition of a new family to the Apple Grove neighbourhood.
Household #6: Aristotle Trickster

Aristotle and his daughter Tourmaline.

They visited the island's brand new park and Aristotle made some new friends.

Tourmaline is adorable.

Tourmaline's bedroom.

Aristotle became a warlock.

I love this interaction.

Plato the spectral cat.

Making friends.

Poor thing is so shy.

He is a fabulous warlock, even.

Until next time...
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