When he was a teenager, Laurie met townie Christy Inada--whom I aged down to teen, in order for them to be able to date. They fell in love and married as soon as Laurie grew into an adult. Laurie's sister Jessica, and mom Lilly were witnesses to the wedding (you can see a couple of pictures in the very first Peabody post). The two of them moved out of the Peabodies' home on day 44, and began their lives together... The next 16 days are a roller coaster of emotions.

Skin 2 / Gray eyes / Brown hair
Secondary aspiration: Popularity
Wants to: Have six grandchildren
Likes: Alienism & mechanical
Dislikes: Fitness
Hobby: Science
Laurie is platinum from having maxed his aspiration meter before growing into an adult.

Skin 3 / Brown eyes / Red hair
Secondary aspiration: none yet
Wants to: Become chief of staff
Likes: Jewelry & brown hair
Dislikes: Hard worker
Hobby: Nature

As soon as they were on their lot, Christy got a nice makeover. I really like her hair this way.

Some happy flirting.

Jogging to clear the mind, after spending all day looking for a job and...

... taking care of business. :) YAY baby-a-comin'! Laurie the family sim is thrilled.

She looks so happy and cute. Especially with Laurie watching over her. And trying to get some logic points out of doing the crossword. I had to buy him a chess table pretty quickly, because whoa, crosswords suck.

Someone can't wait to be a father. Hee!

And here it goes!

Welcome to the world, Lucas Peabody. \o/

Laurie is ecstatic; Christy looks... peaceful. Sort of.

It doesn't take more than two minutes before she passes Lucas on to Laurie and... well, I don't know where she went. Probably off to sleep.

Or to get abducted. She looks like she's bored as hell.

/abduction spam.

This is when things started to get a little crazy in their household. Christy was definitely not a hands-on mother. In fact, she had no relationship with her son at all, and her relationship to Laurie was not so good either.

And it kept getting worse. When Laurie left for work, Christy went to bed, exhausted by the yelling, I guess, and she left the baby alone in his bouncy chair...

... all day long.

Laurie took care of him when he got home from work. Poor Lucas was filthy, hungry and starving for attention. (I got a warning that the social worker was going to come, even. I never get those; I guess I could have forced her to care for him, but Laurie was about to come home, and I like drama!)

Since Christy was off to work almost at the same time as Laurie came home (she's on the night shift), he gave her a piece of his mind in the morning. Notice Christy's baby bump. (I have an "alien pregnancy for everyone" mod) She still ignores Lucas completely. Maybe it's because she's career driven or is resentful of Laurie for making her have children right away... not that this second baby is his fault, mind you; autonomous stargazing does tend to have consequences.

Poor Lucas, mommy and daddy arguing in the background. It never stops.

It doesn't look like it's affecting Christy's mood at all. She did this autonomously immediately after she and Laurie fell out of love.

Toddler!Lucas has momma's chipmunk cheeks, but the Peabody eye shape. He is a cutie!

Laurie is a very attentive dad; he wakes up every morning with wants interact with him. \o/ Christy, on the other hand, still sucks.

Christy spends most of her time at home skilling for promotion. She is very surprised when she gets her second bump. (Yeah, Christy, that's another baby you've got there, pretty sure you won't care for this one any more than you do the first one)

/Lucas!spam -- He definitely has Laurie's nose. \o/

More fighting. Ugh. This is getting ridiculous. I have tried to have them interact nicely, but it always ends up turning sour with either one refusing the other's advances. :(

And here comes Clara Peabody! Five seconds after her birth, she was in Laurie's arms. I can't remember where Christy went, but she was not at all interested in this child either. So much for that.

Lucas doesn't look phased at all by the arrival of the new baby. He's just happily skilling away.

Laurie's happy to have another baby in the house; I had almost expected him to ignore this little alien spawn, but as soon as Clara was born, he rolled wants to interact with her. I'm glad she's got the last name Peabody. It makes her Jean and Lilly's fourth grandchild, and with how much Laurie cares for her, no one in their family would dare to tell him she's not "really" his child.

Then Christy rolled the want to break up with Laurie. I knew it was coming, but I'd never seen a sim actually roll that want before, so I a little was stunned. Laurie is devastated. He kept thinking they could work things out, poor thing.

SHE, on the other hand, is happy and seems to feel really good about it. (She was thinking about food just then, before the break-up image had even disappeared from above her head. Ugh!)

So Laurie threw her out...

... and she left Clara behind. Oh boy. Laurie was already friends with her and on the fast track to being best friends, so he didn't care.

Consoling Lucas who took his parents breaking up pretty hard. Laurie spent a few hours filling Lucas' wants for human interaction, missing work in the process. Oh, and did I mention Christy left with all of Laurie's life savings? (that's 25,000$) The next week or so was pretty rough, financially, and Laurie almost got fired because he kept getting to work late.

The next few days are fairly routine, with Laurie taking care of his children the best he can.

/babies spam.

Lucas wanted to fall in love again, so he met some of the ladies who were walking by his lot. He made sure to introduce all of them to the chipmunks, to make sure the ladies liked children. Sophie Schel did not make the cut; Lucas refused to interact with her and even pitched a fit.

Cutie alert!

Time for Lucas' birthday. He is not a bad looking child at all either. Maybe there is hope for him yet, chipmunk cheeks and broken nose and all.

It was also Clara's birthday. Finding a hair that fit her was a little challenging, because her eyes protrude through most of the hair I have! She is such a cute little alien spawn.

Laurie takes care of clara like she was his own. In fact, he has as many wants about her as he does about Lucas. I find this quite awesome.

They have no money for a bed for Lucas, so he has to share his dad's bed.

Lucas' first day at school is a little disappointing, but Laurie met someone interesting.

The chemistry is definitely there between these two.

Lilah comes by in the morning, now, since I realized I have a hack that allows friends and family to be "asked to watch kids." So Laurie can get back to work, and Lilah doesn't cost him a penny. Win-win all around!

Luna stopped by. Poor Lucas got cheated on at chess, and then Luna went and gossiped to Lilah about it. "See that kid? He's so gullible." What was I thinking when I gave Jean Peabody no nice points? Now most of the kids take after her.

Yes, Lilah, the baby stinks. She's stop stinking if you changed her diaper.

The cop looks so defeated. Poor girl.


Lucas loves that piano.

Someone came by and is just as lovely as she was a few days ago.

And she's a HIT! *\o/*

And not just wtih Clara.

That profile, OMG!

I don't remember who made that snowman... Non-evil snowmen are a rarity in the Peabody family.

Pretty child!Clara! Love her eyes, and that hair fits her nicely.

Family dinner followed by some roughousing under the sheets. Ha!

And Laurie decides it's time to move to the next step, and invites Daisy to move in. \o/

Skin 4 / Brown eyes w/ black sclera / Black hair
Secondary aspiration: Family
Wants to: Become cult leader
Likes: Jewelry & brown hair
Dislikes: Hard worker
Hobby: Nature

"Did you hear? We have a new mom. And she walks around in her underwear!"

Family breakfast! With token post-woohoo look on the lady, and oblivious children. ;) (and Laurie checking out the new lady of the house)

Colin Roarke, part of a family of alien-ish townies I made with the help of my nieces. He's the older brother, and really cute.

Put to work already? The honeymoon's over, for sure. ;) (seriously, though, she did that autonomously)

There was a snowman in the yard and only one way to get there. I love how the penguin will just walk through the house.


The bedroom finally lost its Christy!deco.

And the Awesome Father of the Year award goes to... ;)
Coming soon:

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