July 21, 2011

Invasion of the Cat People - A Multi-PT replacement

[I posted this for the May theme on GoS, but never got around to sharing it here. Post taken verbatim from my post on GoS with minor adjustments.]

Influenced just a little bit by the Cat People on Doctor Who, I present the "Invasion of the Cat People" Multi-PT replacement set.
(This is the first creation I've ever shared. I am going to hide under a rock now...)

There are four PTs in this set, each of which has a different feline skintone and pointy ears. Each of the four also has a different default hair colour--no custom colours--as well as different eyes. The eyes and skintone are custom, so will show up on all of their spawns. I tried using genetized eyes, but they wouldn't show up at all, and that was defeating the purpose of my replacement.

PT #1 is Alpha Sandquest, a tiger lady with a fierce personality.
Skin by Genensims, eyes by Phobia.

Alpha's spawn:

PT #2 is Beulah Wakeflower, a soft spoken Calico lady.
Skin by Genensims, eyes by Pinketamine.

Beulah's spawns:

PT #3 is Emmet Strangedance, a Cheetah with an attitude.
Skin by Genensims, eyes by Pinketamine.

Emmet's spawn:

PT #4 is Ryder Winterweave, a Tabby with the heart of a lion.
Skin by Genensims, eyes by Pinketamine.

Ryder's spawn:


The mod comes in three separate folders: eyes, skins, and PTs. (This is how I prefer it myself. Feel free to play around with the folders, but don't delete anything!) In the rar, you will also find a file named: MOD Multi Feline PTs. All of these files are crucial for the replacement to work properly. You must put all of the folders and the mod file in your downloads folder. [I suggest putting them in their own folder together, so as to not lose any of the pieces...]

If you decide you want to go back to the original Maxis PT, or you want to use a different replacement all-together, only take out the MOD file. DO NOT remove the skins, eyes, or PTs themselves, or their spawns will have broken genetics and broken family trees. [Alternatively, if the replacement PTs have not spawned at all in your game, taking them out will not break anything... Just be careful.]

THESE SIMS WILL SHOW UP IN YOUR SIM BIN. Do not delete them from the Sim bin, or they will disappear entirely. I have no idea what kind of result this would give, but I'm fairly certain it will NOT be pretty.

This mod was tested in a full game, with all EPs and SPs. If there are any problems/issues, let me know, and I will try to fix it ASAP.

Credits and thanks:
Simgaroop and Fwiffo for their Multi-PTs replacement tutorials and templates, without which I would never have figured this out.
Almighty Hat for the "Stolen by Fairies" mod, which I studied intensively when I was pondering whether to make this an eight or four PTs set. And also for her Multi-Ideal Plantsims replacement, since I have used her plantsims as bases to get the ears on three of the four PTs in this set.
The unknown creator of the amazing ears on Ryder. I used a sim from my sim bin, but I can't remember where I got him at all. If you do, please let me know so I can give proper credit.
Pinketamine for putting up with my questions, re: why the eyes were not showing up properly on the little kittens.
Genensims for the gorgeous skins used.
Phobia and Pinketamine for the eyes.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm late on this, but EEE SO CUTE. I love them, awesome PT set. Thank you!! :D
